School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science of South Ural State University provide the following Bachelor degree programs in English:
Informatics and Computer Science
Within the "Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology" bachelor program, you would learn trends and latest approaches in IT, including fundamentals of Programming and Software development, Internet of Things technologies, Computer Networks, Parallel programming, Database management, methods of Optimization and Operation Research.
Program Features
Today we are living in the digital age, and information technologies are rapidly developing with increasing speed. "Industry 4.0", "Internet of Things", "E-commerce", "Parallel and Distributed Programming" are the concepts that are changing the world around us now. In this regard, companies worldwide are experiencing a staff shortage in IT professionals who are ready to create software systems for various needs of people and business taking into account the latest achievements in IT and software development.

The educational process will be organized in English. Leading specialists in training areas from around the world will be involved in the teaching of disciplines. Students would be able to study cutting-edge solutions from the leaders of the market. The education and project work of the students would be provided using the facilities of such Laboratories of School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science of SUSU as:
- Samsung IoT Academy
- Supercomputer Centre of SUSU
- NapoleonIT Research and Education Center
The international program manager: Prof. Franck Leprevost, Head of Laboratory of Algorithmics, Cryptology and Security (LACS), University of Luxembourg.
The SUSU program manager: Prof. Leonid B. Sokolinsky, Head of System Programming Department, South Ural State University.
Program Outline

Within the framework of the bachelor program Informatics and Computer Science students would study the latest methods and technologies in IT and software development:
- programming on C++, C#, Java, Prolog, Ruby, Python;
- web-applications development;
- internet of things;
- operation research;
- technology of parallel and distributed programming: MPI, OpenMP;
- mobile development;
- database technologies;
- algorithm analysis;
- computer games development.
Tuition Fee
The tuition fee for the bachelor program Informatics and Computer Science (English-taught program) in 2021/22 is expected 207 000 RUR per year.
Communication Technologies and Intelligent Data Processing
*Описание программы на русском языке доступно по этой ссылке*
Within "Communication Technologies and Intelligent Data Processing" bachelor programme you would learn key aspects of the Info-Communication Technologies and Communication Systems, including fundamentals of programming and software development, electronic circuits, radio electronic equipment technologies, Internet of Things technologies, Mobile Networks and communication systems, methods of Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence.
Program Features
Terabytes of data are generated, transmitted, processed and stored every second. It fundamentally transforms the life around us today. "Industry 4.0", "Deep Learning", "Data Mining", "Artificial Intelligence", "Internet of Things" are the concepts that are changing the world around us now. In this regard, companies around the world are experiencing a staff shortage in professionals who are ready to solve the problems of effective information collection, transmission and processing.

The educational process will be organized in English. Leading specialists in training areas from around the world will be involved in the teaching of disciplines. Students would be able to study cutting-edge solutions from the leaders of the market. The education and project work of the students would be provided using the facilities of such Laboratories of School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science of SUSU as:
- Samsung IoT Academy
- Emerson PlantWeb Center of Competence
- Kaspersky Research and Education Centre
- Smart Home Lab
- Supercomputer Centre of SUSU
The director of the programme: prof. Franck Leprevost, head of Laboratory of Algorithmics, Cryptology and Security (LACS), University of Luxembourg.
Program Outline

Within the framework of the Communication Technologies and Intelligent Data Processing bachelor programme students would study the key aspects of methods and technologies for processing, distribution, transmission and storage of information, including:
- Fundamentals of Mathematics and Physics
- Programming and Software Development Processes
- Theory of Communication
- Fundamentals of Electronics and Internet of Things
- Data Storage and Processing Systems
- Machine Learning and Intelligent data analysis
- Industrial applications of sensing, data transmission and processing
Tuition Fee
The tuition fee for the Communication Technologies and Intelligent Data Processing bachelor programme (English-taught programme) in 2020/21 is 200 000 RUR per year.