Congratulations to the staff and students of EECS SUSU! Together we are making possible something that previously seemed to be unreachable!

World-class Education: EECS SUSU Launches an English-language Bachelor’s Degree Programme in IT
EECS SUSU invites applicants to apply for a new bachelor's degree program. Students of the profile "Communication Technologies and Intelligent Data Processing" will study in English under the guidance of leading professors from around the world.

“Global Game Jam” Winners of Programming Competition Announced at SUSU
The Global Game Jam, a video game development competition, was held at the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science January 31st through February 1st. The major worldwide contest was organized at SUSU for the seventh time already.

Professor Omar Fahmi, Associate Professor of Future University, Egypt, senior research fellow of the SUSU Department of Electronic Computing Machines, has been delivering lectures at the SUSU School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science this week.

SUSU EECS Team Got a Victory in the Federal Contest of IT Samsung Academy
SUSU EECS team, led by the lecturer of Automation and Control Department Evgeniy Kanashev won Grand Prix in the finale of the contest of projects in the sphere of Internet of Things organized by the Samsung Corp.

Scientists of EECS have developed a neural network that allows distinguishing between positive and negative feedback from air travelers’ twits. This would allow increasing the satisfaction of airline customers. The results of the study were published in the highly-rated Journal of Big Data (Scopus, TOP-10%).

Centre of Amateur Space and Satellite Communication was to start operating at South Ural State University. Ceremony of the Centre’s opening took place on the Cosmonautics Day. In the first part of the Centre’s opening, a video message was received from the International Space Station (ISS), and a communication session with the ISS was on April 15.

University applicants, who intend to work at international corporations in the sphere of automation and information technology, are getting enrolled to the leading higher education institution of the country.

Quantum Computer Will Make People Relearn
SUSU-TV presents the second episode of the authorial programme hosted by Igor Klebanov and called “Zolotoye Secheniye” (“Golden Cross-section”). In this episode, the Associate Professor and senior research fellow at the Department of System Programming of South Ural State University’s School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) in an interesting and understandable way talks about quantum computer.

The Third Day of the International Forum in the Field of Industry 4.0 Came to End at SUSU
The third day of the 2018 Global Smart Industry scientific forum began with the ceremony of opening of Samsung IoT Academy Laboratory on the base of School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of SUSU.

Job Fair Held for SUSU Students
The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of South Ural State University organised a Job Fair for senior students. During the Job Fair, students had the opportunity to personally meet and talk with the top managers and representatives of various companies, leave their resume with them, and find out about the most interesting projects and the conditions for being selected to work at a company.

Agreement on the Opening of a Program for Studying the Internet of Things Signed by Samsung
On Tuesday, June 26th, SUSU Rector Aleksandr Shestakov signed an agreement on the opening of the Samsung IoT Academy program and the unique training laboratory for studying technologies of the Internet of Things at the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

SUSU concluded a Memorandum of Understanding with Aalborg University
The goal of the present Memorandum is the co-operation in educational and scientific research areas, development of exchange of students, graduates and teaching professors.

The fifth international school of software engineering was held at the University of Rostock (Germany) as part of the Erasmus+ PWs@PhD project from 2 October to 13 October 2017. The school was attended by more than 30 graduate students and employees of 10 universities from 6 countries. From the South Ural state University, the school was attended by 6 representatives of School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

International Festival of Computer Games Development Held at SUSU
Last weekend, Global Game Jam international festival of computer games development took place at SUSU. In Chelyabinsk, the main organizer of the Jam is SUSU’s School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Winners of the SMS Group Data Challenge Contest Awarded at SUSU
The awarding ceremony for winners of a contest for data analysis, SMS Group Data Challenge, which was held from September 1st through December 1st, 2017, was held on December 14th at South Ural State University.

Master’s Student of the School of Electronics and Computer Science Ivan Volkov took third place in a prestigious all-Russian business contest “Young Russian Businessperson 2017”!

Interview with Professor of University of Central Lancashire Janet Read
Professor of University of Central Lancashire (UK) Janet Read visited EECS SUSU during Erasmus+ School in Software Engineering. Janet Read is a Professor in Child Computer Interaction and is the Director of the Child Computer Interaction (ChiCI) research group at UCLan.

We invite you to participate in a lecture and a seminar by professor Radu Prodan!
From September 18 to 21, 2017, the professor of the Innsbruck University (Austria) Radu Prodan will pay a visit to the South Ural State University. We invite you to participate in the seminar!

We invite you to a seminar by professor Jaewan Kim!
A seminar by Prof. Jaewan Kim will take place on June 13, from 10:00 to 12:00, in room 434/3b. The topic of the seminar is: "Quantum Entanglements and Quantum Information".

PwS@PhD: International School on Software Engineering at SUSU
From May 15th through May 28th SUSU will become an international venue for education and the exchange of experiences in software engineering between postgrads and researchers from 6 countries and 11 universities. International school within the Erasmus+ PwS@PhD project will be held on the basis of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of SUSU.

International Engineering School at SUSU within the Erasmus+ PWs@PhD Project
An international school, Mathematical and Computational Bases of Software Engineering, within the Erasmus+ project “PWs@PhD: Joint Programs and Framework for Doctoral Education in Software Engineering” will be held at SUSU from May 15th through 28th.

SUSU and Kaspersky Lab Launched the First Joint Research Center
The Research and Education Center (REC) of Kaspersky Lab "Information Security" was opened in Chelyabinsk. The REC was established on the premises of the High School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of SUSU.

The Jordan University hosted the third International Workshop on Software Engineering in the framework of Erasmus+ PWs@PhD project 1-12 Feb. 2017. School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the South Ural State University were presented by four representatives, including two faculty members and two postgraduate students.

SUSU Partners with Kaspersky Lab to Establish Science and Education Centre
Kaspersky Lab Science and Education Centre (SEC) «Information Security» is to be opened on the basis of EECS SUSU on March 27, 2017

EECS innovative projects entered the National Technological Initiative programme
Projects of EECS SUSU were successfully presented “Digital Industrial Platform of Russia” project at the strategic session on the national technological initiative in Chelyabinsk IT-park